Poetry – THE GIFT OF RAIN by Virginia S. Eifert, 1963

THE GIFT OF RAIN by Virginia S. Eifert, 1963

What better gift

Can I wish for you

Than summer rain?

The all-night rain,

The day-long rain,

The voice of gutters running,

The sliding drops on elm and fern

That long,

Slow, sweet, living rain,

Soaking into parched

And punished earth

An earth denied the gift

Till now,

This gift of rain withheld

Beneath a realm of heat,

Of furnace winds,

Of heat-waves shimmering

Over grain.

The desperate rolling

Of the leaves of corn.

The lessening brooks,

Those stones lie

Scabbed and dry.

The ebbing pond-shore,

Marked with muskrat tracks,

The green stagnation

Of the algae scum

Clogging the once-clear

Sparkling water.

The robins, beaks a-gape,

Seek vainly after worms

Deep-hid in rock-hard ground.

Dust lies on leaves.

Grass burns.

The daisies dim.

And earth cries out for rain.

And then it comes I

The darkening clouds,

The sudden wind,

The wash of chill, clean air

Like surf,

Sweeping away the heat I

The lightning’s blue-white


The thunder’s rumbling confirmation ………………………………………………………………….

The rain

The first drops raise perfume

From newly wetted dust and’ stone.

The ferns bend

The elm leaves, blowing,

Sweep showers in the rain-wind-,


The robins shout their glorias,

The swifts, oblivious of drops,

Speed fast and gay,

Chattering delight,

Gutting the rain

As with dark scimitars of wings.

And the earth

And leaves are clean,

Streams filled,

Ponds brimmed,

Grass greened,

And birds rejoiced,

Jabbing the worms

Brought up by rain.

The catbird sang.

A lank-tailed squirrel

Came out to see the day.

Still dripping, still a-brim,

The land lay calm, Relaxed and cool, Breathing beatitudes for this,

The gift of rain.  

July, 1963 for Herman’s birthday

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